Organize your all items with Simple Home Inventory App

Introducing ClusterSort, the best home inventory app that will change the way you organize and keep app that will change the way you organize and keep track of your belongings.

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How It Works

Manage Areas

Create area and give label . Capture a photo of it and just Save it .

Manage Areas

Create area and give label . Capture a photo of it and just Save it .

Manage Areas

Create area and give label . Capture a photo of it and just Save it .

About Us

Welcome to ClusterSort

We providing solution for home inventory management which helps you to organise your stuff. We are committed to making clustersort the best Free inventory utility app for android , IPhone and IPad. We are here to make your life easy and sorted Whether you are moving to your new home , you are moving to your new office or you are constructing an inventory for commercial purposes , Clustersort serving you an aligned unparalleled features , easiness , security and authenticity.

Home Inventory

When you collaborate with your family to create and maintain your home inventory, the process becomes far more efficient, ensuring your inventory remains current and comprehensive by using Clustersort

Completely free to try and risk free

Right up front, it is important to note that Clustersort is completely free to try. Add home inventory entries for free forever. We are encrypting your data for Authenticity and Security.

Simple and intuitive to use

It is so simple to get started. Just take a picture of your entry, fill out the name and any additional details and tap Save. You just created your first inventory entry! The clustersort app so it is powerful, yet intuitive.

Key Features

Completely free to try

Add your entries for free forever.

Simple and intuitive to use

It is so simple to get started. Just take a picture of your entry, fill out the name and any additional details and tap Save.

Secure Cloud Backup

Entries are automatically backed up to our secure cloud.

Multi-Device Support

Clustersort users can use unlimited devices to access their entries.


Group similar items together with tags – even if those items may be in different locations.


Search all fields and tags to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Sorting and Filtering

Powerful sort and filtering features ensure you find your entries quickly.

Completely Customizable

Tailor the app to fit your unique needs including customizable fields and tags.

Multi Entry Move and Delete

It is incredibly easy to move or delete multiple entries at the same time with ensuring to have your items are always in the right location

Download our app

Now we are availble on app store and google play store, you can organise your all items in your finger tip.

Take a look at our App

Grab a look at our outstanding and stunning ClusterSort App Interfaces which
is easy to use and very easily manageable.

Get In Touch

If you have any questions, just fill in the contact form,
and we will answer you shortly.